What is smile? What does it mean to you? What change does smile bring in your life? How best can you use it? How can you cultivate it?

Lets first see the meaning of smile. Oxford  dictionary defines as:

Form one’s features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.

‘she was smiling broadly’

‘he smiled at Shelley’

  1. 1.1with object Express (a feeling) by smiling.

‘he smiled his admiration of the great stone circle’

·  ·  1.2 smile at/on/upon Regard favourably or indulgently.

‘at first fortune smiled on him’

·  ·  1.3   literary (especially of landscape) have a bright or pleasing aspect.

‘each meadow blossom’d, and each valley smil’d’



  • A pleased, kind, or amused facial expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.

‘he flashed his most winning smile’

‘she greeted us all with a smile’

Since smile is so important in life it is necessary to study all the aspects of smile in order to leverage its  use in our daily life.

“Did you know that the smile is rated as the most emotionally positive symbol for people? Smiles are universal. All of us naturally understand what they mean.[1] A smile can say thank you; it can apologize; it can say that you’re happy. Smiles are extremely valuable tools. There is no better reason, then, to try to make the most of yours and to smile genuinely and naturally. With practice and thought, and no matter where you go, others will see and respond to your smile.”

1. Understanding & Practicing your  Smile

Know what makes a real smile. Most people can fairly readily tell a forced smile from a real one, sometimes called the “Duchenne” smile after a pioneer in smile research. This is because the two use different muscles and different parts of the brain. But what exactly happens? What makes a real smile look “real”?[2]

  • During a genuine smile, there is voluntary and involuntary contraction of two muscles: the zygomatic major and the orbicularis oculi, which raise the corners of your mouth and the areas around your cheeks and eyes, respectively.
    • A forced smile only uses mouth muscles, however, because we cannot voluntarily contract the orbicularis oculi. This is why some people say a real smile uses the whole face, especially the eyes.
    • Real smiles engage separates part of the brain, as well. While a forced smile uses the motor cortex, the real deal engages the limbic system, or the brain’s emotional center.[3]””
  • 2.How to create beautiful smile with Exercises?

. Like the rest of your body, your facial muscles will get better at their job if you exercise them often. They can be strengthened and toned through use, making it easier for you to flash your smile. Facial exercises and smiling can also make you look healthier and younger.[4]

  • For a simple exercise, try a plain smile. Stretch the corners of your mouth laterally and hold for 10 seconds. Then, part your lips slightly and hold another 10 seconds. Repeat, even expanding your smile if you want.[5]
    • Try this exercise to erase fine lines around your mouth: pucker your lips and suck in your cheeks, then try to smile. Hold this pose until the muscles start to tire. Do it once a day.
    • Another exercise is the “silly rabbit.” For this one, smile as widely as possible without parting your lips. Then, try to wiggle your nose back and forth. This will engage the cheek muscles. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat.[6]
  • 3.Your Eyes are the expression of your smile:

As said, a real smile does not just use the mouth and lips. It also engages the upper face, causing small crinkles around our eyes. In fact, this is probably the strongest give-away between a fake smile (using only the mouth and teeth) and a full, genuine one. A natural smile should light up your entire face.[7]

  • Remember to lift your cheek muscles when smiling. Your eye brows may also be engaged and slightly raised.
    • Try practicing in front of a mirror. As an added aid, cover your mouth so that only your eyes and eyebrows are visible. You should be able to “see” the smile only from your eyes.
    • If you worry about fine lines around your eyes, consider ways to reduce the wrinkles other than keeping a strictly neutral expression. Smoking, lack of sleep, and exposure to the sun are much bigger culprits than smiles. Cut them out of your routine. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice smiling.[8]
  • 4. Mirror is your best tool:

.Flashing your smile in front of a mirror is a great way to practice. It will help you to discover what your natural smile looks and feels like, but also how to control it and use it to best advantage.

  • As children we’re often taught to say “cheese!” for photos. Actually, “cheese” isn’t great for a natural smile. Sounds that end with “ah” like mocha or yoga are much better at opening your mouth while slightly raising your cheekbones, looking more natural. Practice![9]
    • Pay attention to angles. Your face and smile might look better at certain angles than others. Experiment in the mirror. Find your best side. Then, use that angle in real interactions.[10]
    • Some fashion models also use the following trick: touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth, just behind the front teeth. The movement should open your jaw very slightly and better define its lines when you smile.[11].”
  • 5.Smile must originate from your Heart:


People smile because they’re happy. But did you know that smiling increases our happiness even more? This is because how we feel emotions isn’t just limited to our brain but is affected by our bodies, as well. Using the facial muscles reinforces and even increases happiness.[12]

  • Smiling should naturally make you want to smile more. This idea was actually first proposed by Charles Darwin, better known for his ideas on natural selection and evolution.[13]
    • Try smiling, even if it means that you are faking it. Just using those muscles can put you in a more smiley state of mind.

  6.Keep company of happy people:

Like using our own facial muscles, there are certain things we can see that will make us more apt to smile. One of these is other people smiling. Although the reasons are still unclear, smiling is “contagious.” Humans have a deep drive to smile whenever we see others doing so.[14]

  • To maximize this mood-builder, spend time with happy-go-lucky friends or family members. Got a funny aunt? Spend some time with her and let her mood rub off on you.
    • Strangers work, as well. We get the same mood-boosting effect even from people that we do not know and with whom we have no connection. Try visiting a happy place to benefit, like a park, a zoo, or the movies. Somewhere you’ll know you’ll find happy people.[15]

7. Focus and Generate Happy Thoughts:.

Another way to increase your mood – and your ability to smile – is to think of a particularly happy moment in your life or of a loved one. Choose someone or something that gives you a warm, radiant feeling. It could be a childhood memory, it could be your mom or your grandparents, or it could be your spouse. It works![16]

  • Try to visualize the person or event. If talking to someone, pretend that the person is your smile-inducing loved one.
    • This technique can work even if you are speaking over the phone or writing an email. Somehow, we can tell from a person’s voice whether they are smiling even without seeing their face. The same might be true for emails, as well.[17]


These are the seven steps  which need to be followed consistently until smile becomes your second nature. Smile drives the stress away . smile lightens the tense atmosphere of any meeting. Smile brings people closer. Smile holds no barriers to cast creed or colour. Smile maintains its universality and does not have any language barriers.

So, smile and be happy.

Thanks for reading.


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